The placenta has multiple uses to help patients heal and has been used for years to encourage healing after surgery. Portions of placental tissue can be used to treat patients undergoing various surgeries or with inadequate healing of diabetic ulcers, bed sores, burns, and other types of wounds with complicated healing responses. The physicians at North Atlanta OBGYN participate in a placental donation program. At this time, any pregnant patients having a planned cesearean delivery can opt to participate in the program and donate their placenta to Surgical Biologics. A short health questionnaire and consent form are required to make sure you qualify for participation. Additionally, a blood sample will be collected at the time of your hospital admission. There is no additional cost to you nor is there any harm to you or your baby from donating the placenta. Medial conditions such as active infection or malignancy will disqualify women from participating. If you would like to “give the gift of healing” or learn more, please visit